SCA Ltd COVID-19 Response Plan
Restrictions for individuals and businesses
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to maintain 1.5m physical distancing from people?
SCA Response Plan requires that all participants are physically distanced at all times, consistent with local jurisdictional requirements. Appropriate physical distances must be maintained in accordance with any requirements applicable of the jurisdiction they are in (typically 1.5 metres).
The Australian State Government has released guidelines which state that to stay Covid free, the public should follow 3 basic steps, which is: maintaining hygiene protocols, physical distancing and stay home if you feel unwell. It is also highly recommended that everyone uses the contact tracing app. Additionally, you should endeavour to maintain the 1.5m physical distancing as best as possible, this is also strongly advertised in all public indoor areas and outdoor areas where applicable. It is up to individuals to follow guidelines however remember to be courteous to your fellow attendees and give everyone space regardless of your personal thoughts on the matter.

Do I need to wear a mask?
The wearing of masks is not required under the current Phase 3 State restrictions however it is recommended that all Queenslanders carry a mask with them to wear when social distancing can not be maintained. Attendees must not be vilified for wearing a face covering intended to reduce the spread of, or protect the wearer from, airborne droplets.
How should I clean?
It is best to follow State cleaning guidelines and SafeWork’s cleaning checklist. Attendees must frequently wash and scrub hands with soap and water and/or vigorously rub with hand sanitizer as per these guidelines.
Can we do archery and combat events?
These events are guided by the State restrictions for Qld. Non-contact training, archery, rapier and heavy combat are permitted as shown by SCA’s Restrictions Register.
Rapier and armoured combat requires low-contact inspections to be carried out to maintain the health and safety of all combatants, students and marshals.
Can we do dancing and singing?
Teaching of specific dances, music and other related activities that do not require close proximity falls into the ‘non-contact sports’ category for local jurisdictional requirements.
Dances that include contact or close proximity, and singing and playing wind instruments are considered ‘contact sports’.
Both are permitted under Phase 3 restrictions as per the SCA’s Restrictions Register. Remember to check here for restriction updates and how they apply to you and events.
Can we share equipment at the event?
Attendees must not share equipment between participants unless it has been adequately cleaned between each user as per the SCA Ltd COVID-19 Response Plan.
Who can serve drinks and food?
Food and drink may be served to patrons. Patrons must not help themselves from a buffet to ensure mishandling does not occur. Please follow all instructions given to you by event staff to ensure best hygiene practices are followed. This will protect you and your fellow event attandees.
What if I need first aid?
If first aid is anticipated to be provided at events, nitrile (or equivalent) gloves and a p2 (or equivalent) protective mask must be supplied by the sponsoring group. Provision of first aid must adhere to any Chirugeonate requirements.
Why is SCA Response Plan to COVID-19 at times more strict than State jurisdictional requirements?
When creating the SCA Ltd COVID-19 Response Plan a risk assessment evaluated the level of risk associated with a return to face-to-face events in Australia. In consultation with the Board of Directors and the Insurer a return to face-to-face events was agreed upon if the following control measures are applied at all events.
I have booked and paid for the event, but I’m feeling sick. What happens?
You may only attend face-to-face events if you are currently well, and have not had symptoms of infectious illness in the past 72 hours.
Participants who are not able to attend due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and any other participant unable to continue to participate as a result of this, are entitled to a refund in full, in accordance with the SCA Ltd COVID-19 Response Plan.
What happens if someone doesn’t follow these guidelines?
It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that the virus does not spread. Anyone deliberately not following the above guidelines will be ejected from the event without refund.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
COVID-19 compliance must be maintained. Please contact the Event Steward, Seneschal of River Haven (William Castille) or the Baronial Covid officer if you have any questions.